Saturday, May 30, 2009

Always running out of something!

If it isn't water - then try electricity! 

We are in the rainy season. Often, if the rain is constant - not too crazy like Tropical Townsville, just rain [ a little heavy] - we lose electricity. Well, the rain on Wednesday did something bad - it blew the transformer for the whole compound. We didn't get our electricity fixed until the wee hours of Saturday morning. 

The compound is anti-generator, but we all have something similar. It is an inverter. This is just a little box that sits in the Harry Potter cupboard and stores electricity. So, when the power goes the inverter kicks into action. It is pretty good. It runs the lights and the TV. Don't know why the TV is included, but I am not complaining. We have about 8 hours [supposedly] of stored power. Well, we used it this week and re-discovered the joy of candles. It was very nice.

Lana had a group of friends from school over, and Claudia was having a friend for a sleep. They enjoyed the candle experience.

After a few days of no electricity it starts to grate on my nerves. I cope. I enjoy aspects of the experience. But we run out of hot water and English baths just don't cut it anymore. 

So, why do we go for so long without a solution? A compound of 12 houses - many are owner occupied - and no one actually calls to report the problem. What a bunch of lazy people - myself a culprit also. So, anyway. We are back in power and enjoying it. Baths and showers all round. We can bake again - but I haven't mentioned that to anyone yet. I don't want to create further unnecessary work for myself.