Monday, June 15, 2009

Going to the movies!

Well, the movie experience can be a moving one. 

You have to stand for the national anthem - that takes me back to before I was born!!! They don't play it every time, usually only when you are weighed down with a hotdog, drink and popcorn.

Usually the cinema has as many people sitting in it as I had in my car. So, if I go by myself I usually have the place to myself. It is pretty good. Yesterday we had another 3 people viewing the movie with us. Sometimes on a Friday or Saturday night we get a crowd - that is shocking and sometimes annoying too. I don't like sharing!! 

The movies here are cheap - hence we go often. Mondays are the best. For 500 shillings ($6.40 USD or $8.08 AUD) I get my movie ticket, a hotdog, small popcorn and a 500ml bottle of pop! That is excellent!  On a Saturday just the ticket is 500 shs. 

I love going to the movies. But not all movies are released here - Twilight never made it - although it was advertised on the website for over a month - and right up until the day before it was released. I went in all excited and they said no! 

I love it when I am the only person in the theatre. What really cracks me up is the seating allocation. When I purchase my ticket I chose a seat. Then I walk into an empty room and find my chair. What is up with that? I often break the rules though - and sit where I am not suppose to. I figure if there is a fire they will think that I escaped and that the charred remains must be some idiot who snuck into the cinema without a ticket! 

The theatre-going experience sometimes lacks professionalism though. Sometimes they forget to turn the lights off when the film starts rolling. Once during the movie the screen turned off but the soundtrack continued. That was unfortunate - but heck, what do you expect for $6?    

They don't seem to market the ads for any target audience. I go to watch a chick flick and am bombarded with playstation wrestling - TNA, take the little one to watch a kids movie and she experiences an ad for the Orphan movie - that freaky Esther girl - enough to give Phoebes nightmares for about a week! 

I love the movies in Kenya - so much more exciting than Australia. You never know what to expect.


  1. haha what intereting movie experiences! Sounds like Africa id sloghtly differentto the last overseas stint in Holland. lol Love ya blog, great writing!

  2. wow bad spelling there, a little tired. "Africa is slightly different to" .. thats better
